4 Things You Should Know About Laser Hair Removal

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A couple of years ago, I noticed a bump growing on my face. At first, I didn’t worry about this development. I assumed the bump would eventually go away on its own. Unfortunately, the lump on my face continued to grow. Because it was close to my right eye, I decided to make an appointment with a local dermatologist. This kind, experienced physician informed me that the bump on my face was actually a harmless cyst. With a small tool, she expertly removed the cyst from my face. The procedure was relatively painless. On this blog, I hope you will discover some pain free solutions dermatologists use to improve people’s facial appearances. Enjoy!


4 Things You Should Know About Laser Hair Removal

7 January 2016
 Categories: , Articles

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective ways you can semi permanently rid yourself of unsightly hairs that are both invasive and aesthetically unpleasing. However, like any process, you shouldn't go into it blind. Rather, inform yourself of what laser hair removal entails. Luckily, you have this handy guide at your fingertips. Over the course of this brief article, you will learn about 4 things you should know about laser hair removal.

The Procedure May Not Remove All Hair

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective ways to go about reducing the amount of hair on your body. However, it may not remove all of the hair that you desire and it may not necessarily be a permanent situation. Laser hair removal works by reducing the hair follicles that are present on your body, both in number and in their size. Hair grows in cycles, however, and during your laser removal session, you might find that the follicles aren't currently "in cycle." As such, they will not be reduced in size and hair will continue to grow in that area. Be aware of this phenomenon before committing yourself to laser hair removal.

You'll Likely Pay a Reasonable Cost

Compared to other forms of hair removal methods, laser hair removal is considerably inexpensive. In addition to this, most clinics will often times offer discounts if you purchase a package deal as opposed to one single treatment. Numerous treatments are also recommended, as mentioned above, hair tends to grow in cycles, so you can remove all of the unsightly hairs that you desire over the course of a few treatments. Many plastic surgeons will also combine laser hair removal with face lifts in order to remove any unsightly hairs present on the face that are made all the more visible after performing a face lift.

Do Not Pluck or Wax Ahead of Time

Plucking or waxing ahead of time can be detrimental to your laser hair removal treatment. It is highly recommended that for two weeks leading up to your treatment, you do not pluck or wax the area you wish to be treated. This is due to the fact that plucking or waxing can actually lend themselves to concealing your pores. They need to be open during this time so that they can be adequately sealed by the methods used during a laser hair removal treatment. However, it is perfectly acceptable—and even recommended—that you shave during this time. Shaving, especially using hot or quite warm water, can open up the pores and allow for laser treatment to work to its maximal capability.

Don't Expose Your Skin to the Sun

After receiving laser hair removal treatment, it is highly recommended that you do not expose yourself needlessly to the sun. If you must go out into the sun's UV rays, make sure that you are adequately covered, especially in the areas that were exposed to the laser hair removal treatment. Although your skin may feel no differently, it will be particularly susceptible to the sun's UV rays, and exposure to the sun can reverse, or even damage, the area of the skin that was exposed to the laser treatment. Make sure to stay indoors as much as you can for at least two days after the procedure takes place.

Laser hair removal treatment is a great way to get rid of excess hair in a semi permanent manner. Hopefully, this brief article has given you a bit of information on some things regarding laser hair removal that you perhaps were heretofore unaware. For more information on your options, contact facilities such as Jordan Valley Dermatology.