5 Tips For Controlling Acne

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A couple of years ago, I noticed a bump growing on my face. At first, I didn’t worry about this development. I assumed the bump would eventually go away on its own. Unfortunately, the lump on my face continued to grow. Because it was close to my right eye, I decided to make an appointment with a local dermatologist. This kind, experienced physician informed me that the bump on my face was actually a harmless cyst. With a small tool, she expertly removed the cyst from my face. The procedure was relatively painless. On this blog, I hope you will discover some pain free solutions dermatologists use to improve people’s facial appearances. Enjoy!


5 Tips For Controlling Acne

21 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Whether it's due to hormonal fluctuations or the food you eat, getting acne breakouts can make you feel less confident about your appearance. If you break out often, you might feel ashamed or embarrassed to show your bare skin in public. However, if you are willing to make some lifestyle changes, you can achieve clearer skin. Here are five helpful tips for controlling acne:

Avoid Touching Your Face

Touching your face throughout the day might seem like a harmless habit, but it's actually pretty harmful for your skin. When you put your hands on your face, you can transfer oils and dirt onto your skin. Also, don't ever pick at existing pimples, as it can lead to inflammation and infection.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise does not just benefit your waistline; it can also help your skin. Working out can improve your blood circulation and send more oxygen to your skin, helping it get rid of toxins. If you exercise most days of the week, you can reduce your acne breakouts. Just remember to shower after exercising so that sweat doesn't clog your pores.

Always Moisturize

If you have oily skin, you might avoid moisturizing your face sometimes. This is a mistake. If you do not moisturize your skin after washing it, your skin will just produce even more oil, which might lead to breakouts. To avoid feeling greasy, try using a lightweight facial moisturizer.

Drink More Water

One of the simplest ways to achieve clearer and healthier looking is to drink more water. If you drink at least eight cups of water a day, you can flush out the toxins that contribute to acne breakouts. If you are getting bored with taste of plain water, try adding a lemon or lime to it.


Exfoliating once a week can remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, reducing acne breakouts. After you wash your face with a cleanser, apply an exfoliating product to your skin in gentle, circular motions. Be careful not rub your skin too hard, as it can lead to irritation and breakouts.

Dealing with acne is no fun, so it's best to avoid it in the first place. If you follow these helpful tips, you can reduce acne breakouts and feel much more confident in your skin. However, if you still can't get control of your acne, you may want to talk to a dermatologist at a location like Associated Skin Care Specialists about different acne treatment options.