Prepare For Mohs Surgery

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A New You

A couple of years ago, I noticed a bump growing on my face. At first, I didn’t worry about this development. I assumed the bump would eventually go away on its own. Unfortunately, the lump on my face continued to grow. Because it was close to my right eye, I decided to make an appointment with a local dermatologist. This kind, experienced physician informed me that the bump on my face was actually a harmless cyst. With a small tool, she expertly removed the cyst from my face. The procedure was relatively painless. On this blog, I hope you will discover some pain free solutions dermatologists use to improve people’s facial appearances. Enjoy!


Prepare For Mohs Surgery

10 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

It can be a scary thing to get diagnosed with skin cancer. There are over 5.4 million cases of skin cancer that affect approximately 3.3 million people per year. The shear number of cases of skin cancer has allowed for developments in the treating of skin cancer. One of the most common surgeries that a person can have is Mohs Surgery. This is a practice where your dermatologist is going to take a razor and slowly cut layers of the cancerous tissue away. The dermatologist will progressively get deeper and deeper with the cuts, until there is no longer any cancerous tissue found.

The treatment is very effective and minimally invasive. While it is a very effective surgery, there are a few things that you are going to want to do to prepare for the surgery. 

Stop Taking Blood Thinners

One of the most important things that you can do is to stop taking blood thinners. The dermatologist is going to be using a razor to cut into your skin and remove the cancer, so there there will be some blood. If you are taking a blood thinner, it may be harder for the dermatologist to stop the bleeding. The last thing that you want during a surgery is to have a hard time stopping bleeding. One such medication is aspirin. If you regularly use this medication, stop taking it. You will also want to stop taking other natural blood thinners.  

Get Your Medicated Ointments

When you are done with your surgery, you are going to want to go right home and start the healing process. Skin cancer is most common in areas that are exposed to the sun for long amounts of time. The face, hands, and arms are some of the most common places to be treated. You will not want to have to go to the store to get your medicated ointments. In order to make your life easier, make sure that you stock up on these ointments before the surgery. 

Arrange For A Ride 

If you think that there is even the slightest chance of you being light headed or affected in any way from having the surgery, it may be a very good idea for you to arrange a ride home. The surgery itself is minimally invasive, but if you are not feeling well, you may put yourself and others at risk driving a vehicle. In order to stay as safe as possible it is a good idea to make sure you have a ride home from the doctor's office.